Cross-hatching and pointillism have always fascinated me. When someone first showed me a picture completed only in dots, it blew. my. mind.
The only element in this entire drawing is a dot made by a 01 Micron pen. The more dots you make and the closer per square inch you place them, the darker the area will be. That's all there is to it. Really it's like being a super slow and inefficient printer. With only this one element to worry about, the job of placing dots becomes pretty mindless. But if you have ever seen a Georges Seurat, you know that things only get more complicated from there. If you aren't familiar with his work, please take the time to google him. You may be visually familiar with his work without knowing his name. In my opinion, printers shouldn't even be called printers. Instead we should be calling them "LSMs or Little Seurat Machines". Seriously, all the components are there, if you think about it.
This is a self portrait I completed in 2004. It wasn't originally only of myself, but the person laughing next to me didn't turn out so well, so they got chopped. :) After all the work of placing dot after dot, over and over, I wasn't about to just throw the whole thing away.

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