Friday, March 28, 2014

Painting a Wet Fish

The last fish I think I have drawn that wasn't for a logo was probably this pen and ink drawing from high school:

This fish, however, is not only in color, but because it is out of water, it's wet and slimy. To capture the reflective quality of the wet scales, I've found that it's important to maintain good contrast.

Here is the fish in my newest painting:

Stay tuned if you'd like to see how this portrait wraps up. 


  1. That fish looks like it could splash back into the water and swim away. You are so talented sweet friend!

  2. Thank you so much. My goal is to paint a fish so life-like that even Captain Greg would be proud!

  3. Did you use water colors for that?

    1. Dan, you know I can't always tell when you are making a joke. I painted it in oils. :)
