This was not just your ordinary wedding. Carla is an amazing graphic designer with a great eye for color, pattern, and detail. And this was Carla's wedding, so you know it was beautiful. She and Alejandro had a Tex-Mex inspired wedding in Austin with their reception at the Wildflower Center–gorgeous!! To go along with this not so ordinary wedding, I wanted to gift her a paper piece for display. Risky, I know, but she's a good friend, and took a chance on me.
Celebrating Carla's wedding with a few of her close friends downtown.
I wanted to create something colorful, and originally decided on a large peacock. I love peacocks and was searching for all sorts of images on the internet for inspiration. Well, turns out I didn't have as much time as I had hoped (and I didn't want to spend less time with the bride just so I could make her something) so I opted for plan B, a small colorful bird in an arrangement of cacti, feathers and flowers. Here it is, made entirely of paper:
And here's a few close-ups of Mr. Bird Delgado himself:
It was a beautiful night, and I had so much fun dancing and laughing with new and old friends. The designs were spectacular and well executed. I wouldn't have expected any less (which never fails to heap on the pressure, I'm sure).
You want to see more? I thought so...
...just a few of the touches that made this wedding so beautiful. Here's to the happy couple! May the Lord bless you with the desires of your hearts, and may you continue to grow closer as a couple.
Thank you for taking a chance on me Carla, and for letting me borrow that pen on the first day of classes sophomore year! You're the best.

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